Monday, April 14, 2008

Will You Take A Stand?

These are the days where we send men and women overseas to fight a war against terror. We send them over to take life in an effort to preserve it.

These are the days where we sit on the couch and we complain about our situation well our television takes a stand on the issues instead of us.

These are the days where the internet allows us to all be connected and with that connection others prey on the children who live next door to you.

These are the days where the gap between those who have and those who have not is growing exponentially.

Will you take a stand?

These are the days where medical science is working harder than ever to come up with cures to our most devastating illnesses well military scientists work on new and more effective ways to mame and kill the enemy

These are the days where charity is something that we do because we feel guilted into it and not because we feel enlightened enough to do it.

These are the days where we teach our children to lock the doors and close the blinds because the parks we use to play in are inhabited by gangs and drug addicts.

These are the days where 1 in 4 of us will suffer either a heart attack, stroke or cancer in our lifetime.

Will you take a stand?

On May 13th, the Lance Armstrong Foundation is declaring a LiveSTRONG Day. In a time where men in green uniforms head to far away places to take life, I ask all of you to wear yellow and help us preserve it!

On May 13th, I ask that you take just a few minutes to find something in your wardrobe that is yellow and wear it as a show of support for me and all of those who are fighting this horrible disease. If you have the chance, spend the $1 it takes and pick up a Livestrong bracelet and wear it proudly knowing that you have just helped make a difference.

On May 13th, send a message to the world that the army of green overseas has nothing on the Yellow Army that walks the streets of the world fighting to save the lives of those who fight the fight against Cancer.

On May 13th, will you take a stand for Cancer? Will you take a stand for the Yellow Army? Will you take a stand for me?



Anonymous said...

For you, bro, and for all those who have travelled your path before, I will...happily.


Unknown said...

You know I will bro. I'm gonna mark that day on my calendar, and I'll be sure to get a yellow shirt by then because I don't have one now. Anyway,

LiveSTRONG bro.


Anonymous said...

Without a doubt bro. I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you in your fight for life!