Wednesday, April 9, 2008

This Is All I Ever Wanted

It has been a real roller coaster as of late and the other night was a real peak for me. I am so excited and that excitement was connected to meeting with Caleb to lay all this information on him and see what he thought. I wanted him to come and meet the Fokkers (rents) as soon as possible so that maybe, just maybe, he could be moved in on the weekend.

We had already agreed to meet at Tim Hortons for a coffee and go from there but he had no idea that I was about to rock his world in a big way.

He sat down across from me and I just began to tell him everything that happened and everything that was said. I don't think I took a breath the entire time. I just wanted to get it all out and see his reaction. I also was hoping against hope that he would go for it.

When I finally shut up and let him get a word in edge wise, he casually leaned forward, and said ok. I couldn't believe it, I really thought it would take more convincing but it didn't. He was actually ok with all the rules and stuff. He said he understood the rules and that he agreed that there needed to be some kind of house rules so that everyone knew where they stood. With that said, he said he would meet my parents on Thursday. I asked him why Thursday and he reminded me that it would not be good to do this on Wednesday as I would be having a chemo treatment and that I would be a little bag of shit all night and that would make for bad timing. I guess I agree and Thursday will work just fine. He said that if everything goes well that he should be able to move in by the weekend.

You really had to see his face. He could not believe that people who didn't even know him would be willing to do this for him. The rest of the night I was bombarded with questions around why the rents would want to do this for him and why did they care so much about him and stuff like that. He said he was very excited and grateful and all that stuff in between. I told him to make sure he tells my rents all of this because they are the ones who are allowing it to happen.

The one funny moment out of the night came around the not sleeping together rule which made both of us kind of laugh and just roll our eyes. Adults always seem to think that people are age have only one thing on our minds....well, it is on our minds but its not the biggest thing LOL.

We joked about how the sleeping arrangements were going to be just like the shelter and we both laughed about how the rules were quite similar about doing work, attending classes, stuff like that. I think in some respects that was the idea.

So there we have it. I can not believe it, this is all I ever wanted and now I have it. I know there are those who will continue to say that all good things must come to an end. I hope they are wrong. I know when this whole thing started...with that crazy kiss in the street, nobody really knew where it was going but here we are, still hangin in there and still makin it work. He has seen me at my worst, and lets face it, seeing me leaning over a toilet tossing my stomach after a vicious round of Chemo is about as bad as it gets and yet he didn't flinch. I love Caleb, more than life itself and I know he loves me. This next step of living in the same house will certainly tell me whether this is something that is meant to be. You can't hide your little quirks and flaws when you live together and for some reason, I think I am going to love him even more because of those funny quirks we all have. I am also going to really enjoy teaching him ASL. The thought of him signing and talking at the same time just gives me chills. To think he cares that much to learn ASL is amazing.

Anyway, I am rambling on with a flush of excitement over the future. I don't really know how long I am going to be here but what a ride its going to be. I know with big peaks often come big valleys but who knows, maybe the valleys wont happen...maybe it will just be one long amazing ride.

I am attaching a song from Last Year's Canadian Idol winner, Brian Melo. I can't say I listen to a lot of his music but this one song is a perfect fit for this entry and the whole roller coaster I have been riding. Take a moment to listen to it and I think you will agree that it just seems to fit. The song is called, "All I Ever Wanted"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Derry, it looks like this worked out well for you. I do wonder though how this is going to work if, and I stress, IF things do not work out with you and Caleb. Will you still be able to share a room with him? Will you be able to live in the same house? This is a big chance for him and you will need to temper your judgement if this whole thing goes wrong. Caleb needs this as much as you do. I hope you can remember that should something change.

Enough negative talk. I only meant to add a splash of reality to the mix. Inside, I am very happy for you both of you.