Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Week In The Life Of...

I have said it before and I put it on my bucket list. I am going to check into a youth shelter tonight and show love to those who need it the most.

I have no idea what I am going to find there. Not sure what I am searching for either. I am coming in to the system without anyone knowing anything about me. I am just going to show up and ask for a place to stay. Now dont worry, my rents think I am going to be staying at a friends place for the week and I think that is for the best. They would prolly freak out if they knew what I was planning.

The people who run the shelter dont know anything about me either. Like I said, I just plan to show up. To the best of my knowledge there is web access there so I am planning on posting daily update on what I experience. if I can't update daily, I will update as quickly as I can.

One thing is certain, I intend to listen, learn, and share. I want to show as many people in there as I can that there are people who care. I am going to try and make some friends and just be myself, genuine, honest, quirky and occasionally a little off balance, but myself.

I want to leave this world in a better way than I came into it and if I can touch just one homeless kid, just one abused girl, or just one kid than it was worth it.

I am rambling now because my nerves are kicking up. I am traveling light. Just a few clothes, and nothing else. I am going to live off what the system gives me.

See You Soon



Anonymous said...

Wow dude that's amazing! I hope you know what you're getting yourself into. I'll be looking forward to you posts! Take it easy and be careful! Sometimes desparate times can make good people do bad things.

Adeafmute said...

Your absolutely right and yet I am yet to have a problem. Maybe it is because I choose not to be judgemental and I dont act better than anyone else in there. I think it is because I am just trying to eb me, that I am not having problems. I am excited about this opportunity and looking forward to the experiences.