Thursday, January 3, 2008

I Can Only Imagine

The holiday season seems to have come and gone faster than I remember from previous years. Maybe it was the excitement of the whole thing that simply stole time from me and left me staring blankly at January 2nd. It never stops amazing me just how quickly time goes by. One minute your opening gifts and laughing with family and the next your watching the new year roll in.

So what did I do over Christmas? Well, I ate too much baking, had too much to drink, ate far too much turkey and ham and completely lost track of all the people we saw. In general it was amazing! Our table was full of great food. From my aunts sweet potatoes to my mom’s ham and turkey dinner, to my cousins crazy good mincemeat tarts and Christmas pudding! It was all so good. I got all kinds of cool stuff including an iPod touch! That thing is amazing, now I can watch and listen to music, videos and even movies all in the palm of my hand LOL.

We sat around on Christmas eve and talked, laughed, hugged, and told silly stories about past Christmas mayhem. Then the most magical moment of the whole night for me. My Dad sat down in his recliner and pulled out “Twas the Night Before Christmas” and for the very first time, he read it to me. He didn’t have to sign it, he had so much emotion, he made voices and told the story with suspense. I thought it was amazing. I had never heard the story before and to hear it the way he told it was amazing. From there we did our best to sing Christmas carols even though none of us can really sing LOL.

It was just great. On the evening of the 25th I went and found my homeless friend. I brought him a plate of Christmas dinner, it was wrapped in foil but I am sure it was probably kinda cold when he got it but it was amazing. He was shocked when I walked up to him. I guess he thought I would not bother to show up but there I was with dinner in hand. I sat with him for an hour and we talked about all kinds of stuff. He said I was his Santa and wished me best of luck with my Cancer. I wont forget to see him again soon when I can.

So here we are, first week of January and I am just back from the hospital with another round of Chemo. I feel like dirt, wanna barf really bad and we are not even sure that any of this is going to work. This is not my last Christmas, not by a mile but if this does not work I may only have 2 to 3 left. I would like to think they will all be as good as this one. I am at peace with my situation though and I am not going to let it worry me anymore. I am at peace with my God and the hand I have been dealt. I have been introduced to another song that I am absolutely in love with. It comes from a friend of mine who I met at Chemo. It is by a group called Mercy Me and it is called, “I Can Only Imagine”. Over Christmas I found that it does not matter how much money you have, how many things you get or how many people send you cards. What I learned is that the measure of a man is not in his length of life, but instead, in his depth of life.

What is my depth of life? I can only imagine!



2Shay said...

Kudos on not forgetting about Dan. It's weird, it brings a smile to my face knowing you had a wonderful time with your family - the part about your Father reading you "'Twas The Night Before Christmas" was very touching.

Anonymous said...

I read this entry to my wife and almost lost it during that part. It's baffling the things we take for granted.