Friday, November 30, 2007

Through My Eyes

I woke up this morning and took a long look in the mirror. Its funny, I never use to bother spending much time looking in the mirror, partially because I did not really care about being vain. Lately I spend a lot of time looking.

What I want to do is share with everyone what it is like to experience Chemotherapy or Chemo for short. For those who are going through it or are about to go through it, I want this to be a positive spin on the whole experience. I know that sounds kind of dumb but I believe that all bad things have a flip side if you take the time to find them. Lets begin.

The one thing everyone including me complains about is the nausea. You keep throwing up, and throwing up until you have nothing left to throw up and then you just dry heave. It hurts your chest after a while and your throat starts to burn. Tears come to your eyes as you start to realize that this is just the beginning. Now, the good side to this is, your starting to make progress. Believe it or not, the Nausea only lasts a day or two and it is the first sign that the Chemo is doing what it is supposed to do. I know it sucks that you dont want to eat but you have too. Even if it is just bland food or a liquid diet. Look at the bright side, your only 24 or so hours away from getting past this phase.

Next you will feel tired and run down, you wont really want to get out of bed or do anything. I know that sucks if yer super active like I was but lets look at the bright side. Yer parents cant nag you to mow the lawn, do your laundry or clean your room. You cant get shit for sitting in bed and playing Xbox all day, and you can watch Sportsnet 24/7 if you want and nobody is gonna complain. Now, is it really that bad to be that tired? Dont forget, you can sleep in and blame it on your Chemo :D

Okay so now the shocking part. Yer hair is going to fall out. I have already had this going full blown. Now, instead of sitting back and crying over my hair falling out, I just went and took a pair of clippers to my hair and cut it super short. Now when it falls out it does not look so bad. The good thing is you get out of having to wash your hair every other day and being bald is kinda cool...literally, you try going outside without a hat on LOL.

Look, I know it sucks to have to look in the mirror and see a tired, sick, nauseas, and bald person staring back at you but look at the bright side, yer that much closer to being in remission and I think that is pretty cool dont you?

Look, I cant take your pain away. I cant take your Cancer away. I cant make the pain you feel go away. What I can do is tell you that I know where your at and that I am there too. I can tell you I care about you, even though I dont know you. I can tell you that I am just as scared as you and that we are all in this together. Just do me a favour and the next time your scared and you feel alone in your battle, come to this blog and post whats on your mind and feel free to unload.

The song I have chosen for this blog is special and for anyone who is or has fought this awful disease. We are bound together by common thread and there is strength in numbers.

Brothers and Sisters, we will LiveSTRONG!

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