Monday, June 30, 2008

Toronto Pride 2008

I took a big step on the weekend and spent my entire weekend with Calen in Toronto for the love in that is Pride Weekend in Toronto.

My eyes were really opened wide to the colourful and exotic life that is the gay, bi, trans, lesbian community. So many costumes, floats, and people in one place. During the two days I was there I saw people in tight leather outfits, buttless chaps, collars and leashes and a hole boat load of just everyday people as well. It was truly amazing.

I count myself among the bisexual community though I have recently come under fire over that and have been told that there is no such thing as a bisexual. One apparently either likes taking it up the ass and is therefore gay or does not like it and is therefore straight. I happen to like being with Caleb but given that my experience with girls is limited and given that I have at times felt attracted to women, I have a hard time accepting that someone like me does not exist.

Anyway....during the two days we were there, we walked hand in hand, we stood in the middle of the street and exchanged slobber knocker kisses and for the first time in my short life, I felt totally free and accepted. There was no judgement to be found and I was loving it.

The evenings turned into two nights of the club scene. It was my first experience so this was all very new and exciting to me. We had little trouble getting in and once we were in, we were ALL IN!. It was late too mind you, probably closer to 10 before we walked in but the party was just jumping. I ended up in various portions of the dance floor with guys I had never met, some of whom were grinding with me well others simply reached down and put their hands on my package. It was scary at first but I soon realized it was just all part of the environment and the scene in general. For the most part, I stayed close to Caleb and we ended up doing things that I did not think one could do on a dance floor...NOT THAT you dirty minded people, I mean we got real close, took our shirts off, and just let loose.

The music was loud and hypnotic, the drinks were flowing freely from men we did not even know as they passed us bottles of beer and other drinks in an effort to keep the two of us dancing. At one point Caleb was on top of a speaker dancing away, his own hands groping parts of his body in an effort to excite the masses.

We did not end up leaving on either night until somewhere around 2 in the morning and in both cases we each had multiple offers for things ranging from various drugs, to sex parties. We just declined and made our way home.

So, Pride 2008 was an experience for me and one I am not soon going to forget I am sure. It was sexual awakening in some ways as well as a reminder that I am who I am and the more I experience it, the more I am sure that Caleb is the one. People talk about chemistry in a relationship and unless I was too drunk to know the difference, I would say that the chemistry those two nights between Caleb and I was bordering on nuclear.

For those who did not take in the parade, the culture, the atmosphere, and the fun, you really did miss out. It was not all about being an alternative lifestyle. It was about being who you are, being accepted and most importantly, it was about love!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it to Pride. I wondered if you would!

Yay Caleb for taking you!
