Monday, October 8, 2007

Welcome To My Blog

At the encouragement of many people, mostly friends and people I associate with online I have decided to set up a blog to talk about my experiences as a former deaf mute male.

Its interesting, I say former deaf mute because I had an operation that called a cochlear implantation that allowed me to be able to hear for the very first time. Up until that day I was going through life unable to hear or speak. The sound of my own voice was a mystery to me, I could not make words or sounds other than what I am told was basic grunts and groans.

So here I am, able to hear, able to speak and I am told it would be fascinating to tell the world about what it is like to be able to hear for the first time well still quite young.

What will follow in this blog will be a journey. I will take you from my earliest memories as a deaf mute and tell you what it was like to be me, unable to speak or hear and then walk you through the shocking, scary, amusing, exciting and generally emotional change to being able to hear and speak for the very first time. What it is like to experience that for the first time.

Some of my posts will be dark, depressing. I can't help that, its just the way I would have felt at that time and others will be really exciting, and emotionally charged.

In the end, I hope you enjoy taking this journey with me. If you have never lived without the ability to hear or speak, I hope my blog helps you appreciate all that you have and if you cant hear or speak, I hope my blog gives you hope for the future.

Miracles do happen....



Anonymous said...

Cool! I'm looking forward to reading more!

grapefruitboy said...

Nice start...

Can't wait to read on.

When will you be posting again?

(PS: aka Fire)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't wait to hear the whole story. I'm happy for you, and I hope everything for you turns out great.


2Shay said...

Al turned me on to your blog... I look forward to catching up with your entire blog. A strong start.